Counseling (CN)
The seminar is a foundational course dealing with the need for and the fundamentals of biblical counseling. Attention will be given to an understanding of what nouthetic counseling means and how it differs from the prominent secular and religious counseling process including data gathering, questioning, homework, giving hope, methods of change, and the role of the Holy Spirit in counseling. Other topics include the sufficiency of Scripture, self-esteem, and counseling failure.
This seminar will deal with the importance of sound theology as it relates to the counseling process. The class will survey the entire scope of theology as it relates to counseling issues and process. The importance of solid exegesis and hermeneutics will also be discussed. Additionally, students will examine the process of training others to be biblical counselors.
The seminar will begin with an overview of the history and current state of the modern biblical counseling movement. Included will be a survey and critique of many Christian counseling teachers, philosophies, and organizations with a special focus on the dangers of integrating secular psychological concepts. Other topics will include legal issues in counseling, counseling in the local church, evaluating counseling resources, the value and process of certification in biblical counseling, and the critical stages in the progression of typical counseling cases.
The seminar consists of an examination of the biblical concept of marriage and the specific Scripture passages that relate. The student will be challenged to lead couples to biblical solutions to marriage conflict. Specific topics include communication, the purpose of marriage, gender roles, the sexual relationship, adultery, finances, raising children, and the dynamics of counseling couples. In addition, the seminar will include a study of the relevant Scripture passages dealing with the issue of divorce and remarriage with the goal of leading the student to a biblical view of the issue and an application of that view to counseling situations. The seminar oncludees with an examination of specific counseling cases in a church setting.