Auditing Courses, Class Assignments and Examinations

Auditing Courses

Current students may request permission to audit courses for personal enrichment without receiving academic credit. Students auditing a course are not required to take the tests in the course.

Class Assignments

Class assignments must be submitted on or before the due date announced by the professor. Late assignments may be reduced in grade or refused by the professor at his or her discretion. It is the prerogative of the professor to determine the nature, extent, and due date of makeup work. There is no obligation for the professor to provide a makeup opportunity.


Examinations During the Semester

All regular examinations must be taken at the time announced by the professor. Makeup tests may be reduced in grade or refused by the professor at his or her discretion. All makeup tests must be completed within two weeks at the time and place designated by the professor.

Final Examinations

A final examination is given in each class. Final examinations are to be taken at the time scheduled by the Seminary. No test may be taken early, and a student absent because of illness or emergency must make up the examination at the instructor’s discretion within two weeks. Take-home final examinations may be distributed at any point during the course by the professor and are due no later than the final day of the examination schedule. Final examinations may be rescheduled only by special petition to the graduate programs committee.