Disciplinary Regulations

Unsatisfactory Academic Progress

A required course in which a grade of F is received must be repeated until a passing grade is achieved. If a grade of F is received in an elective course, the course may be repeated, or another elective course may be attempted. In either event, the cumulative grade point average of a student must be maintained at the level of at least 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 for the student to continue working toward graduation without restriction.

Academic Probation

Academic probation is a temporary status following a semester when a student has not met the minimum grade requirement of 2.0.

The associate dean will determine the number and scope of courses a student on academic probation for low GPA may take during the probationary period. Limitations may include:

  • the maximum number of hours the student can take during a semester,
  • the sequential priority for scheduling previous courses that must be retaken and new courses which may be allowed, and
  • the nature and extent of any counseling or remedial action deemed necessary.

Advisors will monitor probationary students throughout the semester through reports from professors on attendance and grades. If the student does not earn a 2.0 or above, and their cumulative GPA is not 2.0 or above at the end of the semester, the student will continue probation for another semester. When the student has earned a semester 2.0 or above with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above, they will be released from academic probation.

Academic Dismissal

The College reserves the right to dismiss students whose academic progress is unsatisfactory. Students on academic probation for two consecutive semesters without raising their cumulative grade point average to the minimum 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 are subject to academic dismissal and may be required to withdraw from the College for at least one semester.

Veteran students on academic probation for two consecutive semesters without raising their cumulative grade point average to the minimum 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 are subject to academic dismissal and will have the veteran education benefits terminated until a 2.0 grade point average on a scale of 4.0 is obtained.

Disciplinary Dismissal

The locus of authority in dealing with discipline problems is the faculty through the dean of men, the director of Student Life, the dean of women, and the Student Disciplinary Committee.

The desire of Mid-America is to be responsive to the needs of the student in all areas of his or her life. Policies and procedures, therefore, in both academic and financial areas as well as personal, moral/ethical, and spiritual development have been established. These policies and procedures are intended to cover most circumstances that may arise; but we recognize that on occasion there are situations that warrant special, individual consideration.


A suspension may occur at the end of one probationary term for the following regular academic term(s) (the next fall or spring semester). Suspensions may be imposed on a student for the following situations:

  • A student who fails to attain an appropriate standard of satisfactory progress or fails to comply with any condition and/or requirement imposed as part of the probation.
  • A student who chronically withdraws from courses and does not make any academic progress may be suspended.
  • An academically suspended student may be reviewed for readmission to The College at Mid-America after an absence of one semester.


A student may be dismissed from The College at Mid-America if he/she is granted readmittance after the suspension and fails to achieve a satisfactory cumulative grade-point average in the next term (semester).

Returning from Suspension

A student must write a letter of appeal to the Dean and apply for readmission after a suspension or dismissal period is completed. The student’s record is reviewed, and a decision is made regarding eligibility and conditions of return. Readmission to the College is not automatic and does not establish student eligibility for financial aid.

CAMA Standards of Conduct

In moral/ethical or spiritual development, the College recognizes the freedom of each student to develop under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. However, it must also be noted that students are preparing for positions as Christian leaders in the community. Thus, it is essential that they exemplify a God-controlled life both on and off the campus, conforming to the highest standards of conduct.

All members of Mid-America—trustees, faculty, administrative staff members, or students—assume the responsibility to conduct themselves in compliance with the objectives and standards of conduct established by the College. Misconduct that renders a member of the College liable for discipline, up to and including dismissal, falls into the following categories:

  1. Dishonesty, including cheating, theft, plagiarism, forgery, or giving false information on official documents.
  2. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research administration, or Mid-America sponsored activities by force or violence or threat of violence.
  3. Physical, sexual, verbal, or written abuse or schemes to perpetuate oppression and unbiblical control of a spouse or member of the College.
  4. Theft or damage to Mid-America or community property or the personal property of a member of the Mid-America community, which includes taking materials from the library.
  5. The use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, vaping, or the abuse of controlled substances.
  6. Any expression of sexuality contrary to Biblical teaching. This includes identifying ones sexuality in a way contrary to Scripture. Examples include, but are not limited to, sodomy, adultery, sex outside of marriage, identifying as homosexual, or participation in same-sex relationships.
  7. Any blurring of the boundary between maleness and femaleness, such as identifying oneself as a transvestite, transsexual, or transgendered, is contrary to biblical standards and is considered grounds for removal from the College.
  8. Participation in or viewing of pornography.
  9. Unauthorized entry to or use of Mid-America facilities or equipment.
  10. Failure to comply with directions of the president or other officers of Mid-America when acting in the performance of their duties.
  11. Conduct which adversely affects the member’s suitability as a member of the Mid-America community or which interferes with the rights and privileges of another member of the Mid-America community.
  12. The willful commission of any act which is a crime under local or national laws that results in a criminal charge and conviction in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Academic work is evaluated on the assumption and the expectation that the work presented is the student’s own, unless designated otherwise. Anything less is unacceptable and is considered academically dishonest. Collaboration, plagiarism, and cheating—all defined below—are considered forms of academic dishonesty and students guilty of such are subject to disciplinary action.

  1. Collaboration: Submission of a paper that is paraphrased from, or identical to, another student’s paper. A “paper” is defined as “any materials submitted by a student for credit in a course.”
  2. Plagiarism: Submission of a paper in which substantial portions are paraphrased without documentation or are identical to published or unpublished material.
  3. Cheating: The improper use of books, notes, another student’s test(s), or other aids during an examination. It is the responsibility of the student to get approval for the use of such aids prior to the time of the examination, and without such approval they will be considered improper. An “examination” is defined as “any testing situation in which the score will be used for credit in a course.”

Failure on a student’s part to live up to this standard becomes the concern of the director of Student Life, dean of women, and dean of men. (It is assumed, however, that any matter of concern in this area between members of the College community will first be dealt with according to the principles of Matthew 18:15–22.) All disciplinary matters are subject to review before the student disciplinary committee.

Due process in dealing with disciplinary problems is primarily for protecting the reputation of a student against false or unsupported accusations. The purpose of disciplinary action is always redemptive, with every effort made to help the student involved to gain insight into his or her own needs and motivations as a student.

A student disciplinary committee will handle all cases referred to it by the dean of women or dean of men and will be the appellate body for decisions made by the dean that are appealed by the student. The committee will handle any case involving the possible dismissal of a student, and dismissal may only take place by action of the faculty. The student will receive a written statement of charges against him or her. He or she may be accompanied by a personal representative, may bring witnesses on his or her own behalf, and may choose not to answer any of the questions placed on him or her when meeting with the disciplinary committee. If either the Student Disciplinary Committee or the student deems the advice of a lawyer necessary, such a person may give any advice he or she believes pertinent; but he or she may not enter the proceedings and/or deliberations of a student disciplinary committee.

Should the situation warrant it, the student may be given a warning, a disciplinary probation, a required leave of absence, or a dismissal. Appeal of any action of the student disciplinary committee may be made to the faculty in writing. Further appeal may be made after the faculty’s decision to the president of Mid-America. Such an appeal must be in writing, and a personal interview will be granted with the appeal.

The Student Disciplinary Committee

While not a standing committee, the Student Disciplinary Committee is appointed by the president to deal with disciplinary matters. The dean of women, dean of men, vice president of Student Life, director of Student Life, and the president of the Student Council Association serve on the committee. Other members are appointed as needed to deal with specific issues. This committee addresses specific student ethical or moral problems. After due and fair consideration, the student disciplinary committee, in consultation with the student involved, may recommend that disciplinary action be taken by the full faculty. The faculty has authority to impose loss of academic credit, probation, or dismissal, as appropriate to the seriousness of the situation. Information regarding student rights and due process is published in the Student Handbook.

Readmission after Academic and/or Disciplinary Dismissal

A student dismissed from the College for academic and/or disciplinary reasons must remain out of school for at least one semester or as otherwise stipulated in the notice of dismissal. If the student desires readmission after the conclusion of the stated period, he or she must follow the procedure set forth under the Readmission of Former Students section in this catalog, with the stipulation that the final approval of the terms of such readmission must be authorized by action of the faculty. Mid-America reserves the right to refuse readmission to any person who has been dismissed for academic and/or disciplinary reasons or to specify terms of readmission under conditional status.