Student Organizations and Programs

Student Body Association

The Student Body Association is composed of all students at Mid-America during any given semester. The association meets periodically to implement projects and programs developed through the Student Council.

Student Council

The Student Council is composed of elected representatives from the student body with the director of Student Life appointed as advisor. The council is governed by its own constitution and functions as a service organization. It meets as often as is necessary to discuss student problems, needs, and programs, and makes recommendations to the Student Body Association. The Student Council promotes fellowship and recreation among the students and assists students through the Student Relief Fund, as funds are available. Additional information regarding the Student Council is published in the Student Supplement and Housing Handbook.

Student Relief Fund

Students participate in an ongoing ministry of compassion and care to fellow students through the Student Relief Fund. 

Student Representation on Committees

It is the policy and practice of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary to include student representation on committees that are concerned with the planning, implementation, and evaluation of key phases of Mid-America's programs. Student Council representatives serve on the student disciplinary committee and make recommendations to the Student Aid and Scholarship Committee in addition to other committees as appointed by the president of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Mid-America Alumni Association

The Mid-America Alumni Association is a national organization with state and regional chapters. The Association informs the alumni about Mid-America news, promotes continued alumni involvement in the life of Mid-America, and provides fellowship for the alumni. The national Alumni Association gathering is held each year in connection with Founders’ Days. Alumni fellowship meetings are also held at annual state Baptist convention meetings.

Authorization for Special Appeals

Permission must be secured from the administration of Mid-America for any special appeals for needs such as money, clothes, and food. Inquiries concerning such appeals should be made to the campus pastor.