Introduction to Academic Programs

Distinction Between Program Levels

Distinction Between the Graduate Programs and the Doctoral Programs

The Seminary offers graduate and doctoral level degrees at the main campus. Courses offered at the graduate level and at the doctoral level are separate and distinct. Graduate level students are not allowed to enroll in doctoral seminars.

Doctoral students are not allowed to take graduate level courses for credit to fulfill requirements for doctoral seminars. Doctoral students are allowed to audit or to take for credit graduate level courses for remedial purposes or for their personal edification.

Dual Degrees at the Graduate Level

The Master of Divinity (90 semester hours, emphases in Apologetics, Biblical Counseling, Christian Education, Missions and Intercultural Studies, and Pastoral Ministry) and the Master of Arts (60 semester hours, emphases in Apologetics, Biblical Counseling, Christian Education, Missions, Theology, and Worship) may be earned concurrently with a minimum of 120 semester hours. A minimum of 30 hours of course credit is required, beyond the initial degree completion, for graduates to obtain a second degree.

General Educational Objectives of the Academic Programs

In the light of its stated institutional purpose, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary seeks to achieve the following general educational objectives in its academic programs:

  1. To develop an understanding of the Bible and its relevance for today;
  2. To develop a comprehensive theological framework within which to interpret God’s message to man’s need;
  3. To develop a functional philosophy of Christian ministry in contemporary society;
  4. To develop personal spiritual vitality and Christian character through Bible study, prayer, and devotional reading;
  5. To develop appropriate skills required to preach, teach, and otherwise communicate the Word of God;
  6. To develop appropriate skills required to exercise leadership positions in the church and denomination;
  7. To develop the appropriate skills required to communicate the gospel and plant churches cross-culturally;
  8. To develop a Great Commission worldview to encourage involvement in missions endeavors and support; and
  9. To develop a personal commitment to and involvement in evangelism nationally and internationally.

Specific educational objectives of each individual academic program are set forth in the subsequent sections which describe each respective program.

Academic Credit Hours for Courses

The Seminary reports academic credits in units of semester hours. Most course description listed for graduate-level subjects represents a three-semester-hour unit. Doctoral academic credits vary according to degree requirements.

Publication of Course Offerings

A schedule of required and elective course offerings is published each June for the academic year. The registrar’s office also maintains a proposed schedule of required course offerings for the following year so that students may plan for completion of graduation requirements.

Elective Courses

Elective courses are available each semester. Students are encouraged to take required courses first, and then to utilize their free elective hours to select elective courses which are meaningful to their individual educational goals.

Changes in Course Offerings

It is the goal of the Seminary to provide a clear path for students who register for five courses per semester to graduate in the allotted time frame for their degree program. The Seminary, however, reserves the right to change the times when courses may be offered, offer courses more than once a year, change or drop courses, and add new courses to the schedule during the school year.