Accelerated Master of Divinity Program

Description of the Accelerated Master of Divinity Program

The accelerated Master of Divinity is a professional graduate degree beyond the Bachelor of Arts or equivalent degree. With emphases offered in biblical counseling, Christian education, missiology and intercultural studies or pastoral ministry, it is designed to equip students for effective ministry as a pastor, church educator, counselor, evangelist, or missionary.

This accelerated version of the Master of Divinity allows students who have completed an undergraduate biblical studies or biblical counseling degree with Mid-America to shorten the traditional Master of Divinity from 90 credit hours to 60 credit hours. It eliminates courses that would be duplicated between the undergraduate and graduate programs. Students with undergraduate degrees from other Christian colleges may also be eligible if they have completed (and achieved a B or above in) at least 10 of the following 15 courses:

EV 3200Personal Evangelism3
BH 2100Basic Biblical Interpretation3
CH 3001The History of Christianity3
CN 4101History of the Biblical Counseling Movement3
CM 4484Introduction to Christian Ministries3
MS 3370Introduction to Missions3
EN 4900Introduction to Research and Writing3
NT 2601New Testament Survey 13
NT 2602New Testament Survey 23
OT 2101Old Testament Survey 13
OT 2102Old Testament Survey 23
PM 4200Pastoral Ministry3
PM 4300Spiritual Formation3
TH 3701Basic Biblical Doctrines3
MS 3405Traditional Religions, World Religions, and Cults3

Educational Objectives of the Accelerated Master of Divinity Program

The accelerated Master of Divinity program is designed to promote growth in students toward personal maturity and professional ministry competence. The objectives of the program are accomplished through classroom instruction, the modeling of professors, the practice of ministry through the Witness One:Seven program, chapel services, and student organizations.

Foundational Studies

The accelerated Master of Divinity program seeks to guide students to develop the ability to understand and interpret the Christian faith in light of its biblical, theological, and historical dimensions and to utilize insights gained from these disciplines for the effective practice of ministry in the church, the community, and the world.

Essential Skills for Ministry

The accelerated Master of Divinity program seeks to guide students to understand, develop, and utilize the essential skills for ministry in the effective performance of pastoral leadership roles, support staff roles, and missionary roles, including preaching, teaching, worship leadership, pastoral leadership, pastoral ministry, biblical counseling, and evangelism.

Personal Growth and Professional Development

The accelerated Master of Divinity program seeks to guide students to develop lifelong patterns of continuing personal spiritual growth and professional development.