Practical Missions

The Nature of Practical Missions

The heartbeat of Mid-America College is to connect the classroom to the community. Reaching people for Christ was the basis upon which the school was founded, and this passion motivates the president, the faculty, the curriculum, and the chapel programs. Your presence at Mid-America College indicates that you share this motivation. The Practical Missions program exists to provide our college students with the opportunity to fulfill the mission of the school through community service.

Practical Missions is the demonstration of what the student learns in the classroom. Students are expected to fulfill the biblical command to love their neighbor and thus are required to serve in community service sites each week and report on the work completed. By serving weekly, the student connects the classroom to the practical aspects of community service.

Practical Missions Assignments

Each student enrolled in Practical Missions must complete an average of one service hour per week during the semester. A list of service sites is provided by the College and students must fulfill 15 hours of service each semester. Opportunities include work with the prison ministries, urban outreach, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Campus Crusade, hospital ministries, rescue mission ministries, church survey work, non-profit ministries, etc. Refer to the Practical Missions handbook for a complete list of opportunities.

Chapel and Report Hour Attendance

The College meets for chapel services on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Chapel provides an opportunity for students to report on their experiences at community service sites in the Practical Missions program. The president and professors also report on their experiences during this required session. Chapel is dedicated to a time of encouragement and spiritual edification through the preaching of God’s Word.

Each student is required to attend chapel in its entirety every Tuesday and Thursday and report his or her Practical Missions activities at the end of the semester via Jotform link emailed from Student Life. A student is not allowed more than six absences from chapel during a semester or they will be subject to the Practical Missions Exemption Fee. Online students participate via video available in their Canvas account.

A student unable to attend chapel on a regular basis as the result of a work conflict with essential outside responsibilities may petition to attend online. Requests are submitted to the Student Life office and must be renewed each semester (August and January). Note: Notification from an employer must be on company letterhead showing that the student’s work schedule prevents chapel attendance.

Requirements for Practical Missions

To meet the requirements for Practical Missions each semester, students must satisfy two criteria:

  1. Completion of an average of one community service hour per week.
  2. ​Students must not have more than six unexcused absences from chapel and report hour during the semester.

The Relationship of Practical Missions to Tuition Rates

Practical Missions is an integral part of training for every student enrolled at the College. Students failing to complete the requirements for Practical Missions are subject to payment of the $1,500 Exemption Fee for each semester the requirements are not met. Students choosing not to participate during the academic year will pay the Exemption Fee for each semester in which they do not participate.

The Relationship of Practical Missions to Chapel and Report Hour Attendance

Students who do not satisfy the requirements for chapel and report hour attendance will be subject to the $1,500 Exemption Fee.